This Website is about Brandy Norwood
This is my first website ever! I have admired, and loved Brandy Norwoods work ever since I could remember. She is a singer, actress, song producer, and spokesperson/model for the Make-up Company Cover Girl. She is a great role model, and inspiration for young women around the world.
Written By Sarah (Webmaster)
Merry Christmas!
Website Updates:
I have not been updating my website due to school work. But since I'm on Christmas Vacation for 2weeks, I decided to make some updates! I have updated nearly the whole section, "Pictures of Brandy1" with 21 new pictures. All the new pictures should be labeled (NEW). I have also updated the section, "Exclusive Pictures" with 2 new pictures (both are of Brandy with her brother, Ray J.) Those pictures are labeled (NEW) as well. And I also updated the section, "Covergirl" with 2 new pictures. One picture is the most recent CoverGirl Ad Brandy has been in. And the second is just a picture Brandy was in for CoverGirl. There will be more additions, and updates to come, but for now, just sit back, and enjoy!
Please click on the "REFRESH" button to update the website, and see the latest features. Below are two buttons. The first one is a button that leads to the website, and the second button leads to my personal e-mail address that anyone can sign up to. And guess what? Its *FREE* Once you sign up, you'll have your personal E-Mail Address that will look like this,

Website News: The website has reached the point of more than 2,000 visitors. Thank you to everyone for visiting my website. Keep coming to my website for additions, updates and more! Tell your friends as well by clicking on the recommend-it icon! (below) (2,038 visitors)

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The end of Rape around the world!

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If you would tell your friends about this website, then I would get more visitors. So please pass the news about this website. I would appreciate it! I also would like to thank everyone for visiting my website! Click on the recommend-it icon above, and spread the news about my website!

"Some of the pictures I have on my website I have gotten from other websites such as If I have forgotten to mention your website please contact me, and I'll straighten things out with you.
*I take no credit for the pictures of which I have gotten from other Brandy websites."
This Is My Second E-Mail